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赵远 副教授
2022-02-28 15:28     (阅读:)



职  称:讲师







赵远,男,讲师,生于1989年,中共党员,研究生学历,博士学位。2019年获四川大学无线电物理专业博士学位。2017.10-2018.10赴英国University of Nottingham国际著名电磁兼容专家Dave Thomas教授团队进行为期1年的访问学者研究。




3.  新一代电子信息技术






1Yuan Zhao; Mohd Hafiz Baharuddin; Christopher Smartt; Xiang Zhao; Liping Yan; Changjun Liu; David W. P. Thomas; Measurement of Near-Field Electromagnetic Emissions and Characterization Based on Equivalent Dipole Model in Time-Domain, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2020, 62(4): 1237-1246.

2Yuan Zhao; Xiang Zhao; Liping Yan; Zhengyang Liu; Qiang Liu; Changjun Liu; Haijing Zhou; Kama Huang; Reconstruction of the Statistical Characteristics of Electric Fields in Enclosures With an Aperture Based on Random Forest Regression, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2020, 62(4): 1151-1159.

3Yuan Zhao; Tianle Wang; Xiaofeng Sun; Guohong Du; Liping Yan; Xiang Zhao; A Feasibility Study of Representing the Electric Field in Perforated Rectangular Enclosure Based on Modal Expansion Method, IEEE Letters on Electromagnetic Compatibility Practice and Applications, 2021, 3(2): 1-4.

4. Xiang Zhao, Zhikai Ji, Wenpu Chu, Yuan Zhao, Liping Yan, Haijing Zhou, Qiang Liu, Kama Huang. Measurement and Analysis of Electromagnetic Environment Characteristics on Wangjiang Campus of Sichuan University, Radio Science, 54(7): 633-645, 2019.

5. Yuan Zhao; Xiang Zhao; Liping Yan; Changjun Liu; Kama Huang; Qiang Liu; Haijing Zhou; Analysis of Field-to-Transmission Line Coupling inside a Reverberation Chamber based on Mode Expansion Method, 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and 2018 IEEE Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC/APEMC), Suntec City, Singapore, 2018-5-142018-5-18.

6. Zhao Yuan; Zhao Xiang; Yan Liping; Huang Kama; Zhou Haijing; Experimental Validation of the Stability for Statistical Electromagnetic Characteristics inside Electrically Large Enclosure with Aperture, 2016 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, Wroclaw, Poland, 2016-9-52016-9-9

7. Yuan Zhao, D. W. P. Thomas, C. Smartt, et al, “Challenges of Time Domain Near Field Measurement of Complex Digital Circuit,” ESA Workshop on Aerospace EMC (Aerospace EMC), IEEE, 2019.

8. Yuan Zhao, Xiang Zhao, Liping Yan, et al, “Statistical Analysis of Electromagnetic Environment in Electrically Large Enclosure with Aperture Array”, Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), IEEE, 2016: 205-210.

9. Yuan Zhao, Xiang Zhao, Liping Yan, et al, “Statistical Analysis of EM Field Distribution in Electrically Large Enclosures with Rectangle Aperture of Different Sizes”, Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC), IEEE, 2016: 761–764.

10. Yuan Zhao, Xiang Zhao, Liping Yan, et al, “High Frequency Response Sensitivity of Electrically Large Enclosure with Aperture and its Statistical Analysis Method”, Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC), IEEE, 2015: 185–188.

11. 赵远, 赵翔, 闫丽萍, . 开有不同矩形孔缝的电大腔中场分布的统计分析[J]. 四川大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 51(4): 738-744.

12. 赵远, 赵翔, 闫丽萍, . 开孔电大腔高频响应敏感性及其统计分析[J]. 微波学报, 2014, (S2): 81-84.

13. Zhangshuai Cao, Liping Yan, Yuan Zhao, et al. “Experimental Study on the Statistical Response of Nonlinear Element in an Electrically Large Cavity”, Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC), IEEE, 2016: 842–844.

14. 苏政铭, 刘强, 赵远, . 基于柔性屏蔽材料混响室的设计与应用[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30(07): 91-96.

15. 李彬, 赵远, 曹张帅, . 电大腔中非线性器件响应统计规律的实验研究[J]. 四川大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 52(6): 1262-1266.



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