1.Performance of the Wind Farm Parameterization Scheme Coupled with the Weather Research and Forecasting Model under Multiple Resolution Regimes for Simulating an Onshore Wind Farm,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2019 年, SCI收录,第二作者(通讯作者).
2. Research and application of local perceptron neural network in highway rectifier for time series forecasting, Applied Soft Computing Journal, 2018年, SCI收录,第三作者.
3. Research on combined model based on multi-objective optimization and application in time series forecast, Soft Computing, 2018年, SCI收录,第三作者.
4.Multi-step wind speed and power forecasts based on a WRF simulation and an optimized association method, Applied Energy, 2017年, SCI收录,第二作者(通讯作者).
5.An improved multi-step forecasting model based on WRF ensembles and creative fuzzy systems for wind speed, Applied Energy, 2016年, SCI收录,第二作者.
6.A new wind speed forecasting strategy based on the chaotic time series modelling technique and the Apriori algorithm, Energy Conversion and Management, 2014年, SCI收录,第一作者.
7.Wind power assessment based on a WRF wind simulation with developed power curve modeling methods, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014年, SCI收录,第一作者.
8.Multi-step forecasting for wind speed using a modified EMD-based artificial neural network model, Renewable Energy, 2012年, SCI收录,第一作者.
9. A case study on a hybrid wind speed forecasting method using BP neural network, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2011年, SCI收录,第一作者.
10.A corrected hybrid approach for wind speed prediction in Hexi Corridor of China, Energy, 2011年, SCI收录,第一作者.
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